Phone Messages

Please Leave a Message

What does your home or cell phone message say about you?

Examples of actual recordings that have left me wondering if this person is seriously looking for work or what they would be like as an employee:

“You got me. Leave a message. If I feel like it, I’ll call you back.” (Really? What if you don’t feel like it?)

“You know the drill.” (Any chance I have the wrong number?)

“Mommy and Daddy can’t come to the phone right now…la la la la…” (Awww…cute as a button…but did I dial the wrong number? You’re looking for a job and your two year old is recording your answering machine message?)

“Please hold while your party is being reached”…followed by music that makes your ears bleed. (I don’t mind listening to music, but if the volume is so loud I can’t actually leave the phone anywhere near my ear…I’m not going to hold.)

The old advice is still some of the best:  Smile while you are recording your message!


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