Calm Water Business Partner, LLC

Mini Job Application Tests

Mini Tests

All parts of the application and interview process could be viewed as “mini tests.” When applying for a new job there are so many major ways to make mistakes.  There are also a variety of actual tests (personality profiling, technical skills, etc).

There are some very subtle ways to mess up as well. Many companies use a variety of methods to screen out candidates and you don’t even know it.

For example:

Did you follow the directions in the job posting and apply correctly?

Did you send in an HTML or PDF when you were specifically asked for a Word document?

Did you include a cover letter, if requested?

Did you include a portfolio or references, if requested?

Are there spelling and/or grammatical errors on your resume or cover letter?

Did you spell the name of the company correctly?

If you received an email, text or phone message asking you to call, did you do it?

Did you schedule an interview and arrive late? Not show up?  Show up, but not dressed appropriately?

Did you go to an interview and not do any research about the company before hand?

While, any one of these could be a very minor mistake, it could also be what rules you out completely.

Every little thing you do and say can be viewed as another “test.”

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