Calm Water Business Partner, LLC

Learning a New Job

What is involved in learning a new job?

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to feel comfortable in a new position? Do you worry “What if my new boss finds out I’m not as smart or talented as he or she thinks I am?”

If you’ve just started a new job and are feeling overwhelmed, you are not alone.  It may be helpful to know this feeling is common. And, as a bonus, it usually only happens to people who are deemed high achievers. Some very successful people have experienced the exact same thing. There is even a name for it:  Imposter Syndrome.  Google it.  It’s a real thing!

It’s perfectly normal to feel pressured, stressed, afraid of being “found out.” 

Whether this is your first job or a recent promotion, give yourself time to learn the job.  It takes time to get to know your co-workers, clients and vendors. It takes time to learn all the routines, processes, procedures and culture of the company.

It is not uncommon for new employees to start to question their decision.  Anywhere from the first day all the way up to the first six months is normal for questioning your decision.  The more complex the job responsibilities, the longer it takes to feel comfortable doing the work.

When to worry

Honestly, if you start a new job and from day one feel like you are in complete control and know everything…I would worry.  You are either missing the big picture or accepted a job that is so non-challenging, you’ll be looking to make a move sooner than you should.

Of course, starting on day one, it’s fine to feel comfortable with your co-workers and the environment.  However, really feeling like you know everything about your job and can handle anything that comes your way, takes time.

While you are learning how everything is supposed to work, who everyone is and how you need to interact with them, remember you are not alone.  Almost everyone has gone down this same path.


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